Hi, are you alive?
Timeo ergo sum (from Latin — “I am afraid, therefore I exist”).
I placed myself in the conditions of a primitive cave: I have been remaining under the concrete vaults of the old fort in complete darkness for four hours. “Hi, are you alive?” — a series of drawings that captured my state. I have been trying to define myself in space with touch, marks on paper and words, but I still felt confused. I stopped believing in the reality, questioned my own existence. Only the ancient “fight or flight” inside me does not let me forget: exit exists. I exist.
Interdisciplinary exhibition project Practice of place, 2021
Central Committee-19, Novosibirsk, curator — Alexander Nikolsky;
Photos: Alexander Nikolsky.

Group exhibition Strength of materials, 2021
Arts and Crafts Fund “KHORS”, St. Petersburg, curators Artur Bondar and Oksana Yushko;
Photos: Asya Bobritskaya, Ekaterina Podlesnov.